A Prayer for Your Oppressor

You make it difficult for me to see good.
You bring forth sensations and emotions that have no positive bearing to my being.
You hurt.
You try to destroy.
You demean, belittle and antagonize.
You make me discard my true being and don a robe of discord.
You change me in areas I do not wish to be affected.

It’s so easy to hate you, but I am commanded to love you.
This is a prayer for you, my oppressor. 

I pray that you find peace when you are inclined to cause turmoil.
I pray that when strife arises in your heart, it would be soothed by a force currently unknown to you.

I hope for your prosperity, even though you pray for my downfall.
I stand before Him in your stead, and ask him for grace.

I ask for the Lord to  change me, so that I may look at you without allowing bitterness and hatred to fill my heart. It’d be too easy to ask for Him to change you.

I love you because I have to, but someday I hope it’s because your testing no longer tries my Truth. I pray that one day, instead of feeling the need to retaliate, I feel the need to intercede on your behalf.

I pray for you because it’s a prayer for myself — that I would be able to shine His light while navigating the dismal void of your darkness. I say this prayer for you, my oppressor, because I will not be overcome by your evil, but I will overcome your evil with His good.


Romans 12:21
Isaiah 61

Happy New Year!

It’s been some time since I’ve updated this blog, so I think I’m long overdue for a new post.

Since my last entry, I’ve started working full-time at an Atlanta nonprofit organization that helps children facing serious illnesses, disabilities and other life challenges. I’m still pursuing my MFA degree full-time, however I’m giving some serious thought to switching from the Writing program to major in Film and Television. There’s more room for entrepreneurship/business ventures with a degree in Film & TV. I’m not terribly interested in client communications/PR firms and the like, so I think this transition will work well with some of my other long-term goals.

My end goal is to learn  across as many platforms as possible to create a niche market for myself with the experience/knowledge I gain along the way. It does me no good to keep treading on familiar territory. It’s a waste of time. It’s about weaving something so personal, so custom that the world has only a few subject matter experts with my professional DNA. I have the writing thing down (not to say I’m perfect – there’s always room for improvement – however, I have a multidisciplinary background in it already). It’s time to explore something new. I welcome the challenge.

In the midst of all this change and excitement, I’ve somehow managed to deepen my relationship with JH. He’s just as busy — if not more so — as I am with his career. We’ve taken a few mini vacations, the most recent of which was to Miami for his birthday (he’s a rabid Dolphins fan), and we’ve had a lot of opportunity for growth — individually and with each other. I went home to Maryland for part of the Christmas holiday, then came back to Atlanta to ring in the New Year with JH’s family and two sons.

Life has been wonderfully and beautifully full, but that doesn’t mean that it’s without problems. Problem number one: his vindictive ex-wife. From never-ending belittling text messages, to court orders, to sending a sheriff to the house under pretenses of “parental kidnapping” this woman won’t quit. She tried everything within her power to ruin JH’s holiday time with his sons and nearly succeeded. She’s attacked everyone in the household, myself included. She’s never had a conversation with me — has only seen me through the car window on a couple of occasions — but is content to lash out at anyone or anything that brings JH happiness and goes counter to her wishes. She’s implied things in messages meant to make me question JH and his character. Destruction is her M.O.

The crazy thing is,  all of this madness hasn’t done anything except strengthen our relationship and respect for each other, and has girded our resolve to stand up and fight for what is right. In her many efforts to strike fear into our hearts with threats of taking full custody and “my lawyer” this “contempt” that, our faith and conviction has only gotten stronger. Despite her attempts to cause angst, we find the ability to laugh loudly and often. We both falter and get frustrated, but one of us is always able to pick up the other and bring comfort. The thing that devastates the both of us is when she puts the children in the middle of her pettiness. There’s no excuse for behavior like that. There’s nothing correct or justified about it. The only thing JH and I can do is show the kids genuine love, patience and kindness while they are with us, and say prayers for the days when they aren’t within our reach. We remain steadfast and hopeful.

I love that man more and more each time I see his darling face, or hear him sniffling as he walks around the corner. The trials and tribulations, the distance, and the day-to-day craziness of life for two adults has enriched our relationship in ways I never expected. Although this is one of — if not THE —  most challenging relationship I’ve ever been in, oddly enough it’s also the most rewarding. 2014 is going to be a fantastic year for us. I’m excited to make things happen and see what blessings unfold.

Here’s to an exemplary 2014!!

Being the Bigger Person Sucks! (But We Have to Do it Anyway)

Being the Bigger Person I love JH for his patience, kindness, ability to see the bigger picture when the rest of us are stumbling and cussing in a fog, and untiring optimism and positivity. In the face of many adversities, and scenarios that would break lesser people, he perseveres and walks with integrity. When he walks through a room, his faith is contagious, and he inspires everyone around him in some way. He is greatly blessed by God, although one would never think it if you used society’s measuring stick of material wealth, a six-figure salary, and unholy amounts of stock options. His soul and ability to reach others is worth so much more than anything that falls behind a dollar sign, regardless of how many zeroes it includes.

Then, there’s his ex-wife. Although I could fill a blog and then some about her illogical and tiring antics (ever desperate to frustrate him and wear him down) I’m not even going there. Over the past few months, I’ve watched and observed. I realize there are two sides to every story, and that I’ll never hear hers, so I tried to remain objective and uninvolved. It didn’t take long for me to realize that JH is definitely the victim in this situation. Yet, he attempts to treat the mother of his children with a level of respect she doesn’t comprehend, and certainly doesn’t deserve.

I’m fiercely loyal and protective of those I care for. I’ll go to battle to fend for a loved one much faster than I will against someone who offends me personally. Protector of the weak, defender of the strong, blah blah blah. JH has blown me away by his patience, love and forgiveness…his prayers for this woman who doesn’t believe in God yet quotes scripture to him when he’s “not acting right.” He’s rubbed off on me, and now I’m constantly looking for ways to temper her vitriol with kindness and humility. When we receive crazy messages (we’ve found that she only texts him crazy stuff when she’s bored and on the hunt for more souls to guzzle down), we work together to answer them. I reign in his passionate, gut-level anger about her constantly trying to break his place of peace despite his attempts to reconcile (rightly so), and he helps me communicate with and understand the woman he was with for ten years.

Yesterday, JH snapped. A series of text messages sent in a spirit of anger, frustration, fatigue, and soul weariness. Words of a person operating on her lower level. I’m not saying she didn’t deserve every last word of it (if it were me, I’d probably add a few more curse words), but I know JH is a better man than that. But, what should we do when we get tired of turning the other cheek? When we can’t bear the thought of forgiving for the 475th time (knowing that the Bible says forgive seventy x seven Matthew 18:22). When our positivity is broken by the negativity of one person trying to break you — a person you can’t easily separate yourself from?

There’s no easy answer to that, but we do know the Bible requires us to be relentless in our faith and love for others. As (insert an unpleasant adjective) as she is, she is still a child of God.

But you just said she doesn’t believe in God! Why should we love those who don’t love God or display a shred of decency?:

Because they are lost children of God. They are the sheep who have foolishly strayed from the Shepherd’s protection. They are trying the best way they know how to stay alive. It’s not our responsibility as other sheep to bring them back (especially the ones who piss us off). Only God can change someone’s heart, despite our prayers and concern. However, we must realize that we are in a position of power. We aren’t alone, we have those we love and trust. We have a connection with our Source, our divine creator. Would you curse a beggar? Would you snatch away the crutches of a cripple? In this same token, do not withhold your love (the true love of God residing in your heart) from those who need it the most. God’s love is powerful and awesome. If you allow it to consume every aspect of your being, there will be no room left for hatred and it will consume those around you. Perhaps you are the lantern, the vessel, through which God’s light can shine and bring home his lost sheep.

Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.

They still frustrate the heck out of me! I’ve forgiven them, but they constantly wear me down…

Never said it was gonna easy, especially if you have to deal with said person on a daily basis. Doubly so if that person constantly seeks to undermine and discourage. Ever heard of the crabs in a barrel analogy? If one tries to climb up to the top (almost to freedom) the others will drag it back down in their own desperate attempt to free themselves. It’s a never-ending struggle. Sadly, it’s one in which humanity at large is constantly engaged. Let me deliver to you a piece of good news. With Jesus as our savior, we’re not even in the freaking barrel. They can’t drag you down unless you put yourself back on their playing field — unless you put yourself back in the barrel — and why the heck would you want to do that?

Living outside the barrel means you can see all the other crabs struggling and fighting against one another. As a follower of Christ, empathize with them because you were once in that predicament. Understand that they lash out because they are trying to protect themselves. They lash out against you in particular because the freedom and weightlessness they crave is being projected in your heart. If they can’t have it, they will try everything in their power to crush it out of you with vicious words and infected intentions made to make you sick.

So the next time that person tries to drag you down into a place of anger, despair, hatred, an argument, or tears, remember that they are in the barrel scrambling. Not you. You have been delivered from your bondage by the most high God. They desperately want the freedom and assurance you have in Him. They’re never going to find it through their own efforts to get out of the barrel — they have to put their full trust in Him. They don’t know the love and peace that stems from our Great Protector. Pray that they find it, and walk away from the barrel.

How can I be the bigger person without feeling like I’m being trampled on and taken advantage of?

With all due respect, what makes you better than the suffering Jesus Christ went through for our undeserving butts? Not too long ago (okay, way long ago) there was a man who walked in righteousness and truth, who loved all and sought to educate and set free. Unlike me, unlike JH, unlike any other human being on this earth, he DIDN’T mess up. He DIDN’T make any mistakes. Plenty grew to love him, quite a few more hated him. They cursed him, they discouraged him, they frustrated him, put him down, mocked him, angered him, belittled, plotted against, denied, sought his downfall, actively worked to make his life difficult, undermined his authority, spoke evil against him, spread lies and untruths, … (can you relate to any of this?)

God loved us so much that he gave his ONLY SON to save us. Jesus loved us SO MUCH that he DIED out of love for the very people who sought to destroy him. He could have said “screw this” at any time. He could have had a heavenly host of angels torch all his enemies, so when he died he only died for those he loved (and those who loved him.) There are a million things he could have done to prevent his own death, but he didn’t. He forgave us seventy x a million, billion, trillion and died for us to seal the deal. He never killed his tormentors, he never slapped them or summoned bears to maul them. He rebuked their lies with truth (not in a 5,000 word rant, but a brief statement), and went about his way. He knew his purpose was greater than the trifling people he had to deal with on the daily. He didn’t have time to pander to their foolishness or get caught up in an argument.

So once again, I ask: If Jesus sustained the hatred of thousands as the son of the most high God, and still walked in humility and love — what makes us think that we don’t “deserve” the trials and tribulations some seek to take us through? This is a cross we have to bear as his followers. You will be falsely persecuted, oppressed and plotted against. Just know that when the opposition is strongest, you’re that much closer to fulfilling your purpose. Don’t fall off the wagon and seek revenge or try to hurt them as they have hurt you. When the world is against you, you’re on the right track. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord, and walk by faith and not by sight (or the emotions others seek to incite in you.) Allow his love to wash over you, and leave puddles of his love to drink from for those who are yet unable to get it for themselves.

Be encouraged.

Hopefully, these words have helped. I know it certainly has helped me. JH has a long road ahead of him in dealing with his ex, but I have faith that he will continue to be better than his antagonizers. I know the Lord is doing a work in my heart through JH’s example. Together, and through Christ, we will weather the storm. Psalms 59 Have a blessed Sunday!

Some Quotes to Think About

Love those who don’t love you. When hate is directed toward you, repel it with love and use their hatred as motivation to show that tolerance, kindness, and acceptance are better ways to get ahead in this world.

Always choose to heal, not to hurt, to forgive not to despise, to persevere not to quit, to smile not to frown, and to love not to hate! At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought, but what we built, not what we got, but what we shared, not our competence but our character, and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life that cares…